"Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor."

A friend of mine sent me this text message:
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NASB1995
I came across this scripture in my morning devotional. The narrative talked about how in our culture it is considered weakness to ask for help when in fact God shows us that the opposite is true. I thought about how much more this is pronounced in what you are dealing with in the pastoral community. I was guided by the Lord to share this with you this morning.
What did my friend mean when he said, "I thought about how much more this is pronounced in what you are dealing with in the pastoral community."?
Great question.
See, many of us pastors in America today do not ask for help. In fact, somewhere along the way, they began to believe the lie that asking for help is a sign of weakness on their part. Look, I have been there too!
And, unfortunately, many pastors have been emotionally beaten down whenever they actually have displayed any semblance of weakness within their churches.
I literally just paused in slight recoil at the negative afterglow of that last statement. I both can and can't believe I just wrote it. But, it is unfortunately, 100% true.
So, now what?
If you are a pastor, seek the Lord for healing. And then seek him for guidance on finding a great ministry coach. Sure, it could be us here at Grats, but there are many great ministry coaches for you to choose from.
"Hey, why should you or any other ministry coach be the "...one (who) will lift up his companion."?"
For the same reason that the people in your congregation see you as that person... because that is part of what you are called by God to do/be.